21 ways to use your muslin (yes there really are that many!)

21 ways to use your muslin (yes there really are that many!)


For as long as we can remember, we’ve all been singing the praises of muslin cloths. They’re a staple of many families’ lives – especially when there’s a new baby around – but did you know you can do more with them than just swaddling, using as a burp cloth and wiping up dribble?

We’ve rounded up some of our favourite uses for our muslin cloths for baby, yourself and around the home. Here's how you can use yours...

  1. To wipe up vomit, spills, dribble, drool, pee, poop….basically anything that comes of your child and lands on the furniture, floor, walls…need we say more?
  2. As a light-weight swaddle blanket, perfect for those hot, summer days
  3. To lie on, on the change mat, as a soft, warm layer between the chilly plastic mat and baby (also to mop up any mishaps or leaks).
  4. To pat a bottom dry after you have cleaned it with a wet wipe.
  5. Use it as a mattress protector between the mattress and crib sheet.
  6. Drape it over a stroller to use as a sunshade (remember to ensure there’s plenty of air flow.
  7. As a car window shade: tuck one end up into the window and wind up.
  8. As a comforter: many babies love the texture of a muslin cloth, rubbing it against their faces as a soother. And you can save many tantrums by having a stack of spares for when one needs a wash, gets left behind, eaten by the dog!
  9. As an over-the-shoulder burn cloth.
  10. As a makeshift baby sling. You will need one of our larger  muslin swaddles  for this.
  11. Use it to remove makeup and wash your face instead of using cotton rounds or face-wipes.
  12. As a picnic blanket, or makeshift tent (again you will need one of our muslin swaddles)
  13. Lay your baby’s toys on it so after playtime you can grab the corners and tidy them away in one go
  14. At bath time, as a wash cloth or even as a towel.
  15. As a teething toy: great for chewing or sucking on. Or even better, dampen a folded muslin cloth with some water, place it in a sandwich bag in the fridge or freezer for a few minutes: super soothing for irritated little gums.
  16. Use it instead of a towel to dry hair, helping to reduce frizz
  17. Place it in a bouncer seat to protect it from spills and sick
  18. Make an impromptu cloth nappy if you get caught short!
  19. Use it as a swaddle to help prevent the startle reflex during sleep
  20. Muslin cloths make the perfect clean picture backdrop. Use a large muslin swaddle, and hang over the area you want to photograph. Voila, an easy white backdrop you can move and adapt whenever you like.
  21. As a kerchief-style bib: excellent for those ‘raspberry’ food-blowing moments.

    And for anyone whose children have outgrown peekaboo or comforters, all those muslins cloths can be re-purposed into shoe shine cloths, homemade teabags, window drying cloths, car wash cloths…..the list is endless.


    (some inspiration taken from Parental Instinct)